Thursday, November 10, 2016

A New Home, but the Same Good Neighbors

Hello friends, and welcome to the worst week I can remember.
I'm sick with a cold- and though not the debilitating kind, it has taken my voice and left me with an extremely sore throat. 
I also still can't run, and am having other recurring muscular issues.
I have a stressful audition this weekend for playing in a college orchestra.
I don't have enough time to put into the club I lead, though I am responsible for many things happening in the near future.
Everyone is in utter distress because Donald Trump won the election.
Our refrigerator and freezer have been broken for the past four days.
And, on top of it all, my family is moving today, which I'm not excited about.
Naturally, this week has upset me, to tears at some points, and yet, I'm kind of surprised by how well I'm holding up.  In fact, I'm still my positive, joyful self.  While on one level I don't know how that's possible, I also completely know how it's possible.  Unlike most people, my perpetual happiness and positivity don't come from circumstances.  That's the difference between happiness and joy.  I can have joy even when life is terrible because my hope is not in circumstances, but in God's divine plan to work through my circumstances. 
The fact is, I can see God at work through everything that's happening. My friends and family have been the greatest "neighbors" I could ever ask for.  My mom is extremely stressed with all sorts of problems cropping up at work, trying to take care of all of us, and moving at the same time.  Yet, she has been such a rock for me this week.  The other morning she made me tea, and has done the best she can to fill coolers with ice so we can have cold foods despite the failing refrigerator.  My friend Annemarie has been such a help as well: making me cookies, bringing my family dinner, cheering me up, and offering to help me unpack all of this evening.  In general I'm a very independent person, and so don't often get to appreciate this experience of being completely supported by other people.  Yet, this is an important part of the "neighbor" experience that I often forget.  While it's nice for neighbors to occasionally show that they care, you don't necessarily appreciate fully the unconditional love others have for you until you are so fully dependent that you don't know what you'd do without them. 
Dearest Neighbors, I thank God for you every day, especially this week.


  1. I applaud your perpetual cheery nature. Its interesting to see a side that isn't presented when I see you in class. Im sorry that your week hasn't been great, however, it did make for a nice post!

  2. That sounded like such a sucky week :(
    I've moved a few times in my life and it is soooo stressful and tiring. I applaud you for doing that during the school year-- I've only ever had to move in the summer.
    You did a really nice job at highlighting all of your feelings and describing them
    I hope this week is going better for you!

  3. So sorry to hear that you had a terrible week during election week. That was a pretty gnarly week for me, as well. Recovering from surgery and from the election at the same time was sort of surreal. But I hope things are looking up for you :)
